Friday, January 22, 2010


I never put up my abstract photos but I figured that it would be better to post up what I do have instead of nothing!... I only have two photos but I like how they turned out.

With these images I mostly played around with the camera angles and the colors. I tried to make the colors different and use different contrasts. I wish I would have had the ambition to do other abstract photos but they just got pushed back in my mind because of all of the other assignments that were coming in. Overall, I think that these 2 pictures that I did finish are pretty successful through the fun and different colors.


I was going to use this picture for surrealism but I didn't use it and I thought it would also work for this because I used the water reflection tutorial. I wanted to make the appearance that money was made from water. It goes with the thought of what money really is...? The tutorial was used in a different way as a reflection and I just used a specific part of the tutorial to make the ripples. It was really fun to play around with different tutorials but this one was my favorite one that I did. I learned alot because it was all on my own.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


For my series of pictures I wanted to relate to the stresses of high school. This idea came easily for me bause this week has been stressful with classes ending and finals. I used my friend Brinkley because she had been having a stressful week so I thought she would be able to express her emotions easily. I tinted each of my pictures with a red hue because I wanted the feeling of anger to be brought about. With the pencil and the biting I lightened the picture a bit to make it feel more "foggy" like how you feel your head is when your stressed. I left the other two pictures because I thought that for those in particular it brought out more of the emotion Brinkley gave off with the strong dark tones. I think this project was good for both of us because we got to let out all of our anger which we've been feeling all this week!

Monday, January 18, 2010


For these pictures I wanted to use different signs and have them as my focal point. I initally wanted to show the vibrant reds and yellows of the signs but i played around with the colors and I think it made it more interesting. Instead of having a bold red stop sign I made it a softer pinkish color. It took away from the feeling of warning and it made it have a more comfortable, fun, and unusual look.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Goldsworthy Pictures

For my pictures I mainly focused on how Goldsworthy used props to create lines. He has a lot of pictures with lines flowing like a river does back and forth and also alot of pictures with lines in a circular form.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Macro Images

For this picture I edited the table on the bottom right side a little because there were some spots
that were kind of distracting. This is also my favorite picture that I took because of the colors and how the flower is the main focal point. Also, the pop of green from the stem of the plant makes it interesting. I like how you don't really know what it is at first.

This is an isicle that was hanging from my house and I went on my hot tub cover to get up close to it. It was hard to stay focused on the isicle because my camera wanted to focus on the tree in the background.

This is a fake sunflower and I edited the right edge of the brown center because there was chunks of hot glue from when it was made.

This is snow on the top of my porch railing. I edited out my boat lift in the middle right side.

There was a reflection of me and my camera on the ornament so I had to edit it in the middle of the ornament so you couldn't see it.